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provincia Mazovia
Pruszków, 05800
Poznańska 69

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Altri servizi

  google places 4.2

Carburante Prezzo
Miles 95 6,59 PLN/l
Дизелово гориво Diesel 6,67 PLN/l
Газ Пропан Бутан LPG 2,60 PLN/l

i prezzi sono stati forniti da un utente Fuelo.net su 15.07.2024г. 17:45

Jerzy Cieślak
Google Places© на 16.01.2020

Sprawna obsługa, dobry wybór paliw

Zbigniew Polak
Google Places© на 17.12.2019

Świeże kanapki dobra kawa plusem jest to że jest myjnia

Gowild Amit
Google Places© на 01.11.2019

Bad customer service experience. Cold coffee price displayed was 4.99 PLN and charged 6.99 PLN. When gently requested to the young cashier girl to check at least - she said what can she do? they can charge what is in the billing machine! She wouldn’t even like to see the wrong price displayed! Stone Agers customer care service!

Sławomir S
Google Places© на 31.08.2019

Może być. Jak każda bp

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